Source code for drivecasa.commands.reduction

.. note::

    All the data-reduction command composing functions have a common set of parameters:
     - `script`: The list to which the requested commands should be appended.
     - `out_dir`: The output directory to place output files in, using a derived
     - `out_path`: Overrides out_dir, specifies an output file / directory path exactly.
     - `overwrite`: Deletes any pre-existing data at the output location - use with

    The composing functions return the paths to the files which should be
    created once the scripted command has been executed.

import os
import shutil
from collections import namedtuple
from drivecasa.utils import ensure_dir, derive_out_path, byteify, listify

[docs]class CleanMaps(namedtuple('CleanMaps', ('image', 'model', 'residual', 'psf', 'mask', 'flux'))): """ A namedtuple for bunching together the paths to maps produced by clean. Fields: ``('image', 'model', 'residual', 'psf', 'mask')`` """
[docs]def clean(script, vis_paths, niter, threshold_in_jy, mask='', modelimage='', other_clean_args=None, out_dir=None, out_path=None, overwrite=False ): """ Perform clean process to produce an image/map. If out_path is None, then the output basename is derived by appending a `.clean` or `.dirty` suffix to the input basename. The various outputs are then further suffixed by casa, e.g. `foo.clean.image`, `foo.clean.psf`, etc. Since multiple outputs are generated, this function returns a :class:`.CleanMaps` object detailing the expected paths. NB Attempting to run with pre-existing outputs and ``overwrite=False`` *will not* throw an error, in contrast to most other routines. From the CASA cookbook, w.r.t. the outputs: "If an image with that name already exists, it will in general be overwritten. Beware using names of existing images however. If the clean is run using an imagename where <imagename>.residual and <imagename>.model already exist then clean will continue starting from these (effectively restarting from the end of the previous clean). Thus, if multiple runs of clean are run consecutively with the same imagename, then the cleaning is incremental (as in the difmap package)." You can override this behaviour by specifying ``overwrite=True``, in which case all pre-existing outputs will be deleted. NB niter = 0 implies create a 'dirty' map, outputs will be named accordingly. .. warning:: This function can accept a list of multiple input visibilities. This functionality is not extensively tested and should be considered experimental - the CASA cookbook is vague on how parameters should be passed in this use-case. Returns: expected_map_paths(:py:class:`.CleanMaps`): namedtuple, listing paths for resulting maps. """ vis_paths = byteify(vis_paths) vis_paths = listify(vis_paths) vis_paths = [os.path.abspath(vp) for vp in vis_paths] out_path = byteify(out_path) if other_clean_args is None: other_clean_args = {} clean_args = other_clean_args.copy() cleaned_path = out_path if cleaned_path is None: if niter == 0: out_ext = '.dirty' else: out_ext = '.clean' cleaned_path = derive_out_path(vis_paths, out_dir, out_extension=out_ext) clean_args.update({ 'vis': vis_paths, 'imagename': os.path.abspath(cleaned_path), 'niter': niter, 'threshold': str(threshold_in_jy) + 'Jy', 'mask': mask, 'modelimage': modelimage }) script.append("clean(**{})".format(repr(clean_args))) ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(cleaned_path)) expected_map_paths = CleanMaps( image=cleaned_path + '.image', model=cleaned_path + '.model', residual=cleaned_path + '.residual', psf=cleaned_path + '.psf', mask=cleaned_path + '.mask', flux=cleaned_path + '.flux', ) if overwrite: for path in expected_map_paths: if os.path.isdir(path): shutil.rmtree(path) return expected_map_paths
[docs]def concat(script, vis_paths, out_basename=None, out_dir=None, out_path=None, overwrite=False): """ Concatenates multiple visibilities into one. By default, output basename is derived by concatenating the basenames of the input visibilities, with the prefix `concat_`. However, this can result in something very long and unwieldy. Alternatively you may specify the exact out_path, or just the out_basename. Returns: Path to concatenated ms. """ vis_paths = byteify(vis_paths) concat_path = byteify(out_path) if concat_path is None: if out_basename is None: concat_path = derive_out_path(vis_paths, out_dir, out_extension='.ms', out_prefix='concat_') else: concnames = out_basename + '.ms' concat_path = os.path.join(out_dir, concnames) ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(concat_path)) if overwrite: if os.path.isdir(concat_path): shutil.rmtree(concat_path) abs_vis_paths = [os.path.abspath(v) for v in vis_paths] script.append("concat(vis={0}, concatvis='{1}')".format( str(abs_vis_paths), os.path.abspath(concat_path)) ) return concat_path
[docs]def export_fits(script, image_path, out_dir=None, out_path=None, overwrite=False): """ Convert an image ms to FITS format. Returns: Path to resulting FITS file. """ fits_path = out_path if fits_path is None: fits_path = derive_out_path(image_path, out_dir, '.fits', strip_in_extension=False) ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(fits_path)) # NB Be sure to specify the abspath as seen from current ipython process, # in case the user has specified relative path: script.append("exportfits(imagename='{0}', fitsimage='{1}', overwrite={2})" .format(os.path.abspath(image_path), os.path.abspath(fits_path), str(overwrite)) ) return fits_path
[docs]def import_uvfits(script, uvfits_path, out_dir=None, out_path=None, overwrite=False): """ Import UVFITS and convert to .ms format. If out_path is ``None``, a sensible output .ms directory path will be derived by taking the FITS basename, switching the extension to .ms, and locating as a subdirectory of ``out_dir``, e.g. if ``uvfits_path = '/my/data/obs1.fits', out_dir = '/tmp/junkdata'`` then the output data will be located at */tmp/junkdata/*. Args: script: List to which the relevant casapy command line will be appended. uvfits_path: path to input data file. out_dir: Directory in which to place output file. ``None`` signifies to place output .ms in same directory as the original FITS file. out_path: Provides an override to the automatic output naming system. If this is not ``None`` then the ``out_dir`` arg is ignored and the specified path used instead. overwrite: Delete any pre-existing data at the output path (danger!). Returns: Path to newly converted ms. """ ms_path = out_path if ms_path is None: ms_path = derive_out_path(uvfits_path, out_dir, '.ms') ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(ms_path)) if overwrite: if os.path.isdir(ms_path): shutil.rmtree(ms_path) # NB Be sure to specify the abspath as seen from current ipython process, # in case the user has specified relative path: script.append("importuvfits(fitsfile='{0}', vis='{1}')".format( os.path.abspath(uvfits_path), os.path.abspath(ms_path)) ) return ms_path
[docs]def mstransform(script, vis_path, out_path, other_transform_args=None, overwrite=False): """ Useful for pre-imaging steps of interferometric data reduction. Guide: Returns: out_path """ vis_path = byteify(vis_path) out_path = byteify(out_path) if other_transform_args is None: other_transform_args = {} transform_args = other_transform_args.copy() transform_args.update({ 'vis': os.path.abspath(vis_path), 'outputvis': os.path.abspath(out_path) }) script.append("mstransform(**{})".format(repr(transform_args))) if overwrite: if os.path.isdir(out_path): shutil.rmtree(out_path) return out_path