Source code for drivecasa.commands.simulation

Provides convenience functions for composing casapy simulation scripts.
import logging
import os
import shutil

import astropy.units as u

from drivecasa.commands.format import (
    astropy_skycoord_as_casa_direction, astropy_time_as_casa_epoch)
from drivecasa.utils import ensure_dir

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_DRIVECASA_FIELD_NAME = "drivecasa_field0"

[docs]def make_componentlist(script, source_list, out_path, overwrite=True): """ Build a componentlist and save it to disk. Runs `cl.done()` to clear any previous entries, the `cl.addcomponent` for each source in the list, and finally `cl.rename`, `cl.close`. cf Typically used when simulating observations. Args: script (list): List of strings to append commands to. source_list: List of (position, flux, frequency) tuples. Positions should be :class:`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord` instances, while flux and frequency should be quantities supplied using the :mod:`astropy.units` functionality. out_path (str): Path to save the component list at overwrite (bool): Delete any pre-existing component list at out_path. Returns (str): Absolute path to the output component list """ out_path = os.path.abspath(out_path) if os.path.isdir(out_path): if overwrite: shutil.rmtree(out_path) else: logger.warning( "Componentlist already exists (and overwrite=False).") ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(out_path)) script.append("cl.done()") for (posn, flux, freq) in source_list: posn_str = "J2000 {}deg {}deg".format(posn.ra.deg, posn.dec.deg) freq_str = "{}Hz".format( script.append( "cl.addcomponent(dir='{posn_str}', flux={flux}, fluxunit='Jy'," "freq='{freq_str}', shape='point')".format( posn_str=posn_str,, freq_str=freq_str )) script.append("cl.rename('{}')".format(out_path)) script.append("cl.close()") return out_path
def _load_antennalist(script, antennalist_path): """ Load the columns from an antenna-list config file into lists. The antenna-list file is assumed to be in XYZ format, similar to those distributed with CASA. The list-variable names are hard-coded and simply pushed into the casapy Python environment, rather than trying to provide flexibility about what to call them. This gives simple usage and matches the typical casapy approach of 'work with one thing (and only one thing) at a time'. The list-variable names are prefixed by `_dc_` in an attempt to avoid any risk of name-clashes. The actual parsing is performed by a subroutine to keep the scripts minimal. """ path = os.path.abspath(antennalist_path) cmd = ( "_dc_ant_x, _dc_ant_y, _dc_ant_z, _dc_ant_d = " "drivecasa_load_antennalist('{}')".format(path)) script.append(cmd)
[docs]def setconfig(script, telescope_name, antennalist_path): """ Configure the telescope parameters with `sm.setconfig` cf Args: script (list): casapy script-list telescope_name (str): e.g. 'VLA' antennalist_path (str): antenna-list config file """ _load_antennalist(script, antennalist_path) cmd = ("sm.setconfig(" "telescopename='{telescope}'," "x=_dc_ant_x, " "y=_dc_ant_y, " "z=_dc_ant_z," "dishdiameter=_dc_ant_d," "mount='alt-az'," "coordsystem='local'," "referencelocation=me.observatory('{telescope}')" ")".format( telescope=telescope_name, )) script.append(cmd)
[docs]def setpb(script, telescope_name, primary_beam_hwhm, frequency): """ Configure Gaussian primary beam parameters for a measurement simulation. Runs `vp.setpbgauss` followed by `sm.setvp` to activate it. cf Args: script (list): casapy script-list telescope_name (str): e.g. 'VLA' primary_beam_hwhm (astropy.units.Quantity): HWHM radius, i.e. angular radius to point of half-maximum in primary beam. frequency (astropy.units.Quantity): Reference frequency for primary beam. """ cmd = ("vp.setpbgauss(" "telescope='{telescope}', " "dopb=True, " "halfwidth='{pbhwhm_deg}deg'," "reffreq='{freq_hz}Hz'" ")".format( telescope=telescope_name,, )) script.append(cmd) cmd = ("sm.setvp(" "dovp=True, " ")") script.append(cmd)
[docs]def setspwindow(script, freq_start, freq_resolution, freq_delta, n_channels, stokes='XX XY YX YY', ): """ Define a spectral window with `sm.setspwindow`. cf Args: script (list): casapy script-list freq_start (astropy.units.Quantity): Starting frequency for spectral window. freq_resolution (astropy.units.Quantity): Frequency width of each channel. freq_delta (astropy.units.Quantity): Frequency increment per channel. n_channels (int): Number of channels stokes (str): Stokes types to simulate """ cmd = ("sm.setspwindow(" "spwname='{spw_name}', " "freq='{freq_start_hz}Hz'," "deltafreq='{freq_delta_hz}Hz'," "freqresolution='{freq_res_hz}Hz', " "nchannels={nchan}, " "stokes='{stokes}'" ")".format( spw_name=_DRIVECASA_SPECTRAL_WINDOW_NAME,,,, nchan=n_channels, stokes=stokes, )) script.append(cmd)
[docs]def setfeed(script, mode='perfect X Y', pol=['']): """ Set feed polarisation with `sm.setfeed` cf Args: script (list): casapy script-list mode (str): choice between 'perfect R L' and 'perfect X Y' pol (str): Polarization (undocumented). """ cmd = ("sm.setfeed(" "mode='{}', " "pol={}" ")".format(mode, pol)) script.append(cmd)
[docs]def setfield(script, pointing_centre): """ Set pointing centre of simulated field of view with `sm.setfield`. cf Args: script (list): casapy script-list pointing_centre (astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord): Field pointing centre """ cmd = ("sm.setfield(" "sourcename='{source_name}', " "sourcedirection={direction}" ")".format( source_name=_DRIVECASA_FIELD_NAME, direction=astropy_skycoord_as_casa_direction(pointing_centre), )) script.append(cmd)
[docs]def setlimits(script, shadow_limit=1e-3, elevation_limit=15 * """ Set shadowing / elevation limits before simulated data are flagged. Runs `sm.setlimits` cf Args: script (list): casapy script-list shadow_limit (float): Maximum fraction of geometrically shadowed area before flagging occurs elevation_limit (astropy.units.Quantity): Minimum elevation angle before flagging occurs """ cmd = ("sm.setlimits(" "shadowlimit={}, " "elevationlimit='{}deg')".format( shadow_limit, )) script.append(cmd)
[docs]def setauto(script, autocorr_weight=0.0): """ Set autocorrelation weight with `sm.setauto`. cf Args: script (list): casapy script-list autocorr_weight (float): Weight to assign autocorrelations """ cmd = ("sm.setauto(autocorrwt={})".format(autocorr_weight)) script.append(cmd)
[docs]def settimes(script, integration_time, reference_time, use_hour_angle=True): """ Set integration time, reference time with `sm.settimes` cf The 'reference time' defines an epoch, start and stop are defined relative to that epoch. Args: integration_time (astropy.units.Quantity): Time-span of each integration. reference_time (astropy.time.Time): Reference epoch. use_hour_angle (bool): If true, the observation """ ref_time_expr = astropy_time_as_casa_epoch(reference_time) integration_time_str = '{}s'.format( cmd = ("sm.settimes(" "integrationtime='{integration_time_str}', " "usehourangle={use_hr_angle}," "referencetime={ref_time_expr}" ")").format(integration_time_str=integration_time_str, use_hr_angle=use_hour_angle, ref_time_expr=ref_time_expr) script.append(cmd)
[docs]def observe(script, stop_delay, start_delay=0 * u.s): """ Simulate an empty-field observation's UVW data with `sm.observe` cf Args: script (list): casapy script-list stop_delay (astropy.units.Quantity): Time-span. Stop observing this long after the reference time defined by :func:`.settimes`. start_delay (astropy.units.Quantity): Time-span. Start observing this long after the reference time defined by :func:`.settimes`. (Defaults to 0, so the observation starts immediately at the reference time). """ cmd = ("sm.observe(" "'{field_name}', " "'{spw_name}', " "starttime='{start}s', " "stoptime='{stop}s'" ")").format( field_name=_DRIVECASA_FIELD_NAME, spw_name=_DRIVECASA_SPECTRAL_WINDOW_NAME,,, ) script.append(cmd)
def _setdata(script): """ Use `sm.setdata` to set the field-id for subsequent processing. cf Currently unused. Args: script (list): casapy script-list """ cmd = ("sm.setdata(" "fieldid=[0]" ")") script.append(cmd)
[docs]def predict(script, component_list_path): """ Use `sm.predict` to add synthetic source-visibilities to a MeasurementSet. cf Args: script (list): casapy script-list component_list_path (str): Path to component-list (in CASA-table format). """ cmd = "sm.predict(complist='{}')".format(component_list_path) script.append(cmd)
[docs]def set_simplenoise(script, noise_std_dev): """ Use `sm.setnoise` to assign a simple fixed-sigma noise to visibilities. cf NB should be followed by a call to :func:`.corrupt` to actually apply the noise addition. Args: script (list): casapy script-list noise_std_dev (astropy.units.Quantity): Standard deviation of the noise (units of Jy). """ cmd = "sm.setnoise(simplenoise='{}Jy')".format( ) script.append(cmd)
[docs]def corrupt(script): """ Apply pre-configured simulated noise via `sm.corrupt` cf Configure noise first using e.g. :func:`.set_simplenoise` Args: script (list): casapy script-list """ script.append('sm.corrupt()')
[docs]def close_sim(script): """ Flush simulated data to disk and close simulator tool (`sm.close()`) cf Args: script (list): casapy script-list """ script.append('sm.close()')
[docs]def open_sim(script, output_ms_path, overwrite=True): """ Open new MeasurementSet with simulator tool (``) cf Args: script (list): casapy script-list output_ms_path (str): Path to the new CASA MeasurementSet. overwrite (bool): Delete any pre-existing component list at out_path. """ output_ms_path = os.path.abspath(output_ms_path) if os.path.isdir(output_ms_path): if overwrite: shutil.rmtree(output_ms_path) else: logger.warning( "Componentlist already exists (and overwrite=False).") ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(output_ms_path)) script.append("'{}')".format(output_ms_path))